
Graze vs. Gorge

*this post is part of the workshop series Your Holiday Game Plan

Back in November, I mentioned grazing as a nutrition tip for surviving the holidays and becoming L.E.A.N. For grazing to become more instinctual, we should follow Dr. Sears’ rule of twos: Eat twice as often, eat half as much, and chew twice as long.
My name is Amy Abell and I am a wolfer. Meaning: I wolf down my food. This is a growth area for me, slowing down to chew. I think I do well eating small meals often, but being constantly on the move or over-tired causes me to eat too quickly. This is a number one area of focus for me come January. For now, I am focusing on drinking plenty of water and choosing lots of fruit & vegetables.

We’ve all heard about the small meals thing, right? But the real science-based reasons for grazing are worth remembering.

Why graze?
Reduces heartburn & indigestion
Increase nutrient absorption (be nice to your digestive enzymes!)
Eases constipation
Stabilizes insulin levels (which in turn…)
Lowers risk of diseases such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer

Did you catch the last one? You can lower your risk of CANCER by grazing? We obviously stack the deck in our favor when we graze on the right foods, but grazing itself is still an important step to becoming LEAN. Contact me for more information on the science behind those claims.

Wishing you and yours a healthy day!

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